新乡医学院三全学院 图书馆书刊遗失、损坏赔偿办法 Measures for Compensation for Loss and Damage of Books and Periodicals of Sanquan College Library 爱护图书是每个读者的义务。为保障公有财产安全,维护广大读者使用书刊的权利,特制订此办法。 Caring for books is the duty of every reader. In order to protect the safety of public property and safeguard the rights of readers to use books and periodicals, this rule is formulated. 1. 所借书刊如有损坏或遗失时,以购买同版本或新版本书刊赔偿为原则,赔偿的书刊必须整洁完好,污损涂抹者不收。报失后允许1个月内购买。报失前后的逾期,按图书借阅规则的有关条款处理。 1.If the borrowed books are damaged or lost, the purchase of the same edition or new edition as compensation will be regarded as the principle. The books and periodicals to be compensated must be clean and intact, and the smeared books will not be accepted. After reporting the loss, it is allowed to purchase within 1 month. Overdue before and after reporting the loss shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the book borrowing rules. 已赔偿的丢失图书在赔偿之后找到,并完整无损,可持书及赔款收据退回赔款。每册收取书刊加工材料费2元。 The lost books, having been compensated are found after the compensation, are intact, while the compensation can be returned with holding the book and the compensation receipt. Each book will be charged 2 yuan for book processing materials. 2. 因使用保管不当,造成书刊损失,在购买不到同版本或新版本图书时,按下列规定赔偿: 2.If the books and periodicals are lost due to improper use and storage and the books of the same edition or new edition cannot be purchased, compensation shall be made according to the following provisions: (1)损失一般图书、期刊按原价的5倍赔偿。有收藏价值的珍贵图书期刊按原价的10倍赔偿。 (1)The loss of general books and periodicals shall be compensated at 5 times the original price, while the precious books and periodicals with collection value should be compensated at 10 times the original price. (2)损失孤本书,外文原版书、工具书,按原价的10倍赔偿。 (2)Loss of orphan books, foreign language original books and reference books shall be compensated at 10 times the original price. (3)损失多卷集整部图书中的1册,而不能单册零购者,按整部图书价格的平均单册价的10倍赔偿。 (3)Those who lose 1 volume of the entire book in a multi-volume collection and cannot purchase the single one should pay 10 times the average price of the entire book. 3. 凡属恶意圈点涂划、污损、偷窃书刊者,按下列标准处罚: 3.Anyone who maliciously marks, defaces, or steals books and periodicals shall be punished according to the following standards: (1) 恶意圈点涂划、污损一般图书,每页赔款1元,图表类每页赔款2元。凡故意拆散、剪裁、撕页者,按原书刊价格10倍赔款。 (1) Malicious circles, markings, and defacement of general books will be compensated at 1 yuan per page, and 2 yuan per page for charts. Anyone who deliberately dismantles, cuts, or tears pages will be compensated at 10 times the original book price. (2) 凡属偷窃行为者,按所窃书刊原价的10倍处罚。不足50元,按50元处罚。对偷窃珍贵图书者加重处罚。 (2) Anyone who commits theft shall be punished at 10 times the original price of the stolen book. If it is less than 50 yuan, the penalty is 50 yuan. Those who steal precious books will be given heavier penalties (3) 对恶意损坏者,除给予经济处罚外,视情节轻重,分别给予通报批评、停止书刊借阅资格、给予行政处分处理。偷窃书刊者,除赔偿书刊外,给予留校察看及以上处理,情节严重者移送公安机关处理。 (3) In addition to financial penalties for malicious damage, depending on the severity of the circumstances, criticisms, suspension of qualifications for borrowing books and periodicals, and administrative sanctions shall be given respectively. In addition to compensating books and periodicals, those who steal books and periodicals will be given probation at school or above, and those with serious circumstances will be transferred to public security organs for handling. |