新乡医学院三全学院图书馆 网上数字化文献资源使用管理办法 Administrative Measures for the Use of Online Digital Literature Resources in the Sanquan College Library 图书馆网上数据库、数字化文献资源是图书馆信息资源的重要组成部分,受数据供应者的使用权限制和知识产权保护,需按知识产权的要求合理使用。为了保障我校正常的教学科研工作秩序,维护学校的声誉,确保数据库的正常使用,维护知识产权的严肃性,特作如下规定。 Online databases and digitized literature resources are important components of library information resources. They are subject to the restriction of the use rights of data providers and protection of intellectual property rights, which need to be used reasonably in accordance with the requirements of intellectual property rights. In order to guarantee the normal teaching and researching work order of our school, maintain the school' s reputation, ensure the normal use of the database, and maintain the seriousness of intellectual property rights, the following regulations are specially made. 一、本校购置的数据库、数字化文献资源仅用于我校读者个人学习、教学及研究目的。任何部门和个人不得将其用作商业用途。 1. The databases and digital literature resources purchased by our school are only used for the personal learning, teaching and researching purposes of our school readers. No department or individual may use it for commercial purposes. 二、本校读者要自觉遵守国家知识产权保护法规,合法使用学校购买的网上数据库、数字化文献资源,严禁出现下述行为: 2. Readers of this school must consciously abide by the national intellectual property protection laws and regulations, and legally use online databases and digital literature resources purchased by the school. The following behaviors are strictly prohibited: (一)将个人校园卡(或借书证)账号和密码告知校外人员。 (1) Inform outsiders of the personal campus card (or library card) account number and password. (二)滥用网上数据库使用权,违规超量下载数据的行为。 (2) Abuse the right to use online databases and download excessive amounts of data in violation of regulations. (三)未经出版商或代理商授权,私设代理服务器将本校购买的数据库、数字化文献资源提供给校外人员使用。 (3) Without the authorization of the publisher or agent, privately set up a proxy server to provide the database and digitized literature resources purchased by the school to outsiders. (四)擅自将我校购买或免费试用的网上数据库、数字化文献资源用于营利性活动。 (4) Unauthorized use of online databases and digital literature resources purchased by our school or free trial for profit-making activities. (五)使用下载软件工具进行批量下载。 (5) Use download software tools for batch download. (六)在短时间内连续下载数据库中的多篇文献(超过了正常的阅读速度,如短时间内(10分钟)下载量超过上百篇)。 (6) Continuously download multiple documents in the database in a short period of time (exceeding the normal reading speed, such as downloading more than hundreds of articles in a short period of time (10 minutes)). (七)连续下载数据库中整卷、整期期刊全文。 (7) Continuously download the full volume and issue of the full-text journal in the database. (八)将数据库中一次检索的结果大量下载。 (8) Download a large number of results of one search in the database. 三、违反上述规定的,将做如下处理: 3. Violation of the above regulations will be handled as follows: (一)勒令违规者改正 (1) Order violators to correct 1.通知违规者于两个工作日内到图书馆接受调查并提交书面检查。 1. Notify the offender to go to the library for investigation and submit a written inspection within two working days. 2.在图书馆和违规者所在单位的有关人员监督下,删除恶意下载的数据。 2. Delete maliciously downloaded data under the supervision of relevant staff of the library and the unit where the offender belongs. (二)对违规使用者,视情节轻重,分别给予:在图书馆主页上通报批评;停止该读者不少于三个月的入馆和借阅资格;给予行政处分或经济处罚。 (2) Regarding the seriousness of the circumstances, the users who violate the regulations will be given: Announce the criticism on the library homepage; suspend the reader’ s admission and borrowing qualifications for no less than three months; give administrative sanctions or economic penalties. (三)擅自将我校购买或免费试用的网上数据库/数字化文献资源用于营利性活动的,按照非法使用数据量的价格加倍赔偿。 (3) If you use online database/digital literature resources purchased or freely tried by our school for profit-making activities without authorization, the compensation will be doubled at the price of the illegal use of data. (四)因违规使用而引起知识产权纠纷的,由违规者自行承担由此引起的一切法律责任。 (4) Where intellectual property disputes arise due to illegal use, the offender shall bear all legal liabilities arising therefrom. 新乡医学院三全学院院长办公室 Dean' s Office, Sanquan Medical College 2023.11.14 |